REACH Center
The REACH Center provides housing placement to individuals who are homeless, as well as financial assistance for rent, utilities, prescription medication, and food.
Contact info@myreachnc.com for more information.

Nash County Mobile Market at The Impact Center
1st Thursdays 11am-1pm
Volunteers needed as early as 9am
The Nash County Mobile Market is a drive-through food distribution that takes place at WTC. This food distribution is available free of cost for anyone in need. The Mobile Market is staffed with community volunteers who create a safe and respectful space where all are welcome.
Prison Outreach Ministry
3rd Sundays at Caledonia Correctional Institution
This ministry ministers to the incarcerated to let them know that God cares, God forgives and God loves them. We endeavor to introduce them to Jesus, who said, "I come not to condemn the world but to save those who are lost." Background checks are required by DPS.
Contact prisonministry@wordtab.net for more information.

Nursing Home Ministry
2nd Saturdays at 2pm at The Carlton of Nash
This ministry takes the word of God to people who are in nursing homes because of their physical health. We minister to their spiritual needs, encourage them and leave them with a source of hope in Jesus.
Contact nursinghome@wordtab.net for more information.
Evangelism and Missions
4th Tuesdays before midweek service
This evangelism ministry seeks to be witnesses for Christ through Word and Works in our community so that the world may know Jesus.
Contact evangelism@wordtab.net for more information.