Life Events
Word Tabernacle is here to help you navigate through all of life's events.
Weddings are regularly performed by the Pastors and Ministers of Word Tabernacle. Each couple is required to attend pre-marital counseling before the marriage ceremony.
Contact Kim Maryland at kim.jmaryland@wordtab.net for more information on how to sign up for marriage counseling.

Baby Dedications
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
When you dedicate your baby, you commit yourself as a family to guide your child in Christian living until they decide to become a Christian, then you invest in them as a disciple to be developed in Christ.
We believe baptism is done after someone makes a decision to be saved and have a relationship with God. For this reason, we do not baptize babies. We dedicate children to the Lord.
When requested, Baby Dedications are celebrated monthly on second through fourth Sundays after the 9:00 AM service in the Chapel.
Parents may request to have their child dedicated between the ages of 3 months and 4 years of age by completing the form below.
Please submit request at least two weeks prior to the desired date of the dedication.
House & Business Blessings
Buying a new home or starting a new business is a very exciting time and WTC wants to bless your new endevour and thank God for all he has given us. Contact us for a minister to come bless your new home or business.
For more information contact the church administration offices via phone at 252-442-2925 or email at administration@wordtab.net.

The loss of a loved one is so difficult for those left behind. Word Tabernacle wants to come alongside you and your family to walk through these days with you.
For more information contact Stephanie Battle at 252-816-8309 or Stephanie.Battle@Wordtab.net