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Homecoming is a community and family affair! 

We take time to connect with one another and celebrate each other for an amazing year of serving God's Kingdom through ministry. 

Homecoming is also a time to call others to return back home and to welcome new family to the fold!


Memorial Reception
Friday, October 18
5:30 - 6:30PM

This floating event hosted by Pastor and First Lady Gailliard is to honor the families of members that have passed away.

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Word Tab Honors
Friday, October 18
7:00 - 8:30PM

Hosted by comedian Rod Ellison, this event is when we honor those who have served the community and the Kingdom through WTC Ministry Programs.

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The After Affair
Friday October 18

Come dressed in your finest to enjoy a night of celebration and fellowship with all your Word Tabernacle family.

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Walk Of Hope
Saturday, October 19
8:00 - 10:00AM

An event to bring bikers & walkers together to raise awareness & financial support to fight domestic violence. Each walker and rider will be invited to give a donation towards an identified organization/cause. 

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Word Tab Fest
Saturday, October 19
11:00AM - 3:00PM

An outdoor family event focused on food, fun, and fellowship. Activities include a homecoming reunion choir mini concert, live talent, line dances, Bouncy fun, arts & crafts, a cookoff, a care leader tailgate, a cookout, and much more!

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Morning Worship Service
Sunday, October 20

The Word Tabernacle family with gather together and worship at one Sunday morning worship service. Be sure to wear your Word Tabernacle Homecoming T-Shirt.

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Food Truck Rodeo
Sunday, October 20
Immediately After Service

A chance for you to purchase lunch from local food trucks & fellowship with your Word Tab Family.

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Homecoming T-Shirts
Where your T-Shirts to Sunday
Morning Worship Service

WTC Homecoming T-Shirts can be purchased in the bookstore Sundays before service.


3 Days Of Connections And Events

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